In this week’s parsha, the king of Moab, Balak, sends the prophet Bilaam, an...
Rabbi’s Corner
Parshat Chukat
This week's Parasha is Parshat Chukat 📖The name of this week's parasha teaches...
Parshat Yitro
This week's Parasha is Parashat Yitro 📖 In this week's parsha, we officially...
Parashat Beshalach
This week's Parasha is Parashat Beshalach 📖 Many expressions in the English...
Parshat Bo
This week's Parasha is Bo 📖 In this week's parasha Hashem sends the final 3...
Parshat Va’era
This week's Parasha is Va'era 📖 Within this week's parasha we see the...
Parshat Shemot
This week's Parsha is Shemot 📖 Moshe is a shepherd, tending to his flock in...
Parshat Vayechi
This week's Parsha is Vayechi 📖 Yaakov is asking his son Yosef to not bury him...
Parshat Vayigash
This week's Parasha is Vayigash 📖 The pesukim provide us with what is really...