Rabbi’s Corner

About Our Rabbi

Rabbi Yehoshua Felberg was born and brought up in South London, England.

After learning at Yeshivat HaMivtar and Mayanot in Israel, he went on to read Theology at the University of Oxford and undertook further study in ancient languages at Princeton (with a focus on classical Greek and Hebrew). His dissertation was on the hermeneutics of enhanced messianic messaging in the Septuagint.

Yehoshua then returned to Yeshiva in Israel with a focus on high level study of Talmud at Shapell’s/Darche Noam. While there he formed a close bond with the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky שליט”א and Mashgiach Ruchani Rabbi Fyvel Shuster שליט”א.

After meeting his wife to be, Sophie, the couple returned to the UK to get married.

After getting married Yehoshua studied at the rabbinical kollel in Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in London under Dayan Abraham David שליט”א. He also worked for the Sephardi Beit Din teaching those undergoing geirut and as a mashgiach kashrut for the SKA and KLBD. While in London, Yehoshua also studied for his LLM and qualified as a lawyer in England and Wales.

On making Aliyah in 2016, Yehoshua obtained semicha first from Rav Chaim Brovender שליט”א and Rabbi Dovid Fink שליט”א, and then as part of the Mizrachi Musmachim program studying with Rabbi Binyamin Zimmerman שליט”א and Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon שליט”א .

In 2020, Sophie and Yehoshua moved to Harish. With the coalescence of the anglo community through learning programs, a full community shul serving the needs of the English speaking population, Kehillat Derech Eretz, was born.

In addition to his role as the Rabbi of Kehillat Derech Eretz, Yehoshua teaches at Midreshet Torat Chesed in Netanya (a gap year seminary program for girls from chutz l’aretz learning for a year in Israel), and is part of the teaching team in the Mizrachi Musmachim program where he once studied. Outside of his role as a rabbi, Yehoshua continues to practice law as an attorney at a leading law firm based in Tel Aviv.

Sophie and Yehoshua are blessed with three beautiful children, Tikva, Raphael and Yishai.

Parshat Chukat

Parshat Chukat

This week's Parasha is Parshat Chukat 📖The name of this week's parasha teaches us a very important lesson. The root of the word is Chuk.Chuk is a group of mitzvot that we do but do not know the meaning or the reasoning behind.We are taught during Pesach that we are...

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Parshat Yitro

Parshat Yitro

This week's Parasha is Parashat Yitro 📖 In this week's parsha, we officially became a nation and given the Torah! Hashem held the mountain over the heads of millions of people. Hashem said to Bnei Yisrael, that if they accept the Torah, great! If not, he will turn the...

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Parashat Beshalach

Parashat Beshalach

This week's Parasha is Parashat Beshalach 📖 Many expressions in the English language connect the flow of life with that of the sea: Ride the wave.Go with the flow.You can get lost in the sea of life.I'm drowning in work.It’s all water under the bridge. Life is...

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Parshat Bo

Parshat Bo

This week's Parasha is Bo 📖 In this week's parasha Hashem sends the final 3 plagues. The plague of locusts, of darkness and the death of all the Egyptian firstborn. On completion of the plagues, Am Yisrael were at last sent forth from Egypt. What was the purpose of...

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Parshat Va’era 

Parshat Va’era 

This week's Parasha is Va'era 📖 Within this week's parasha we see the beginning of (and the majority) of the ten makot. The first plague is the plague that transformed the water of the Nile into blood. Hashem commanded Moshe to tell his brother Aaron to take Moshe’s...

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Parshat Shemot

Parshat Shemot

This week's Parsha is Shemot 📖 Moshe is a shepherd, tending to his flock in the wilderness. Suddenly he sees a burning bush. At first Moshe doesn't think anything of it. Bushes in the wilderness can catch fire.However, after a closer look, Moshe sees that the flames...

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Parshat Vayechi 

Parshat Vayechi 

This week's Parsha is Vayechi 📖 Yaakov is asking his son Yosef to not bury him in Egypt. Instead, Yosef should take him to be buried in Israel, in the Holy city of Chevron with his forefathers. Yaakov did not want to be buried in a place of tuma like Egypt. He wanted...

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Parshat Vayigash 

Parshat Vayigash 

This week's Parasha is Vayigash 📖 The pesukim provide us with what is really the start of the “happy ending” of the Joseph story. After years of grief following the presumed death of Joseph, Jacob is told that the unthinkable has happened - Joseph still lives. The way...

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Parshat Miketz

Parshat Miketz

The Parsha of the week is Miketz 📖 Yosef’s brothers came down to Egypt to buy food to help them and their family survive the famine in Canaan. On entering Pharaoh’s palace Yosef immediately recognised his brothers (even though 22 years had passed). The brothers,...

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Parshat Vayeshev

Parshat Vayeshev

This week's Parasha is Parashat Vayeshev 📖 Yosef was extremely handsome and caught the eye of Potiphar’s wife. She tried everything to entice him in every way possible to “lie” with her. And then there came a day, where the kingdom was marking a festival and all the...

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